
 We get it. Playing paintball is expensive, especially if you want to play competitively or have a solid tour of duty at scenario games. Markers, gear, travel, food, it all adds up. That's why we here at Nuclear Paintball are here to help! 

If you have a competitive or scenario team and are looking for sponsorship we would love to hear from you! We can design a sponsorship package around your level of play to help you achieve your goals and play more paintball!

What we ask in return is for you to help us promote our business and promote the sport of paintball. To qualify for sponsorship you must use agree to use equipment brands sold by Nuclear Paintball and prominently display our logo and website information on your loaders, jersey, and banner. In turn we will provide you great gear at discounted prices.

We ask that sponsored players always behave in a professional and respectful manner. We take this VERY seriously, so please take this into consideration when applying for sponsorship.

To apply for sponsorship, please send an email to with the following information:

Team Name

Roster (names, ages, how long playing)

General Geographic Area

Events you are planning to attend in 2016

How you will help to promote Nuclear Paintball and the sport of Paintball